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A scholarship is a financial or non-material support which can be applied for at various state, municipal, trade union and private institutions and political parties. In the following you will find information on various funding opportunities and institutions. 

Funding opportunities and facilities

  • Advancement Scholarship

    The advancement scholarship is a scholarship for the gifted and is aimed at specialists with vocational training and practical experience. It is intended to support those who have already demonstrated their special talent and commitment in completing their first academic degree. The scholarship is awarded by the Foundation for the Gifted by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) in a three-stage selection process. The funds are provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

    Students in full-time studies are supported monthly with 735 euros plus 80 euros book money. In addition, a flat-rate childcare allowance is granted for children under ten years of age (130 euros for each child). The support is provided as a lump sum and thus independent of income.


    In order to apply for a scholarship, you must have completed an apprenticeship or advanced training. Only applicants who do not yet have a university degree are accepted. In addition, you must have proof of your special ability in training and work, including the grade of the vocational final examination or the final examination of an advanced training course (overall result with at least a grade of 1.9 or 87 points and more). Other possibilities are particularly successful participation in a supra-regional vocational performance competition or a justified proposal from the workplace.

    If you have been accepted for the scholarship programme, you have the possibility of a one-year vesting period, i.e. accepted scholarship holders can begin their studies within one year after the scholarship has been accepted. If studies have already begun, an application is still possible before the end of the second semester.

    Furthermore, you must belong to the group of persons mentioned in § 8 (1) and (2) of the Federal Training Assistance Act, i.e. have German citizenship or the right of permanent residence or a settlement permit.

    You can find out more on the website of the Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung.

  • Deutschlandstipendium

    Leibniz University Hannover awards German scholarships of 3600 euros each to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate Bachelor's or Master's programme at Leibniz University and who are still two semesters in the standard period of study. Scholarship holders receive 300 euros per month for two semesters; an extension of the sponsorship period is possible if necessary.

    The awarding of a scholarship for Germany is based in particular on the performance and talent of the students, which is verified by the official marks list from the Examination Office. Other criteria may also be taken into account (e.g. full support of BAföG, special social commitment, prizes and awards, educational advancement). However, there is no legal entitlement to a scholarship.

    Foreign students of Leibniz University Hannover can also apply for the scholarships, just as students who have already been sponsored can apply again as long as they are within the standard period of study of their degree programme.

    According to the law, one third of the scholarships are to be awarded without earmarking of funds, so that all students with very good results have the same chance of receiving a scholarship, regardless of their field of study. It should also be noted that scholarship holders of the Deutschland Stipendium may not receive any further (performance) funding of more than 30 euros per month (exclusion criterion).

    Scholarship holders are selected by a central selection committee. This committee, chaired by the President of Leibniz University Hannover, includes members from the faculties, the student body, a representative from the Office of International Affairs and interested representatives from industry and funding agencies.

    You can find out more on the website of Leibniz University Hannover.


    In order to enable students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to study at a foreign university, the DR. JÜRGEN UND IRMGARD ULDERUP STIFTUNG awards 10 to 15 scholarships abroad twice a year. Ulderup scholarships can also be applied for in addition to other funding, for example Erasmus funding. Support is provided for integrated studies abroad, project or final theses and internships abroad. Stays abroad by doctoral students are expressly not supported.

    Scholarships are awarded on personal application in a selection procedure held twice a year and are limited to a maximum of one year. Applicants should be in the main study stage of one of the degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (including Industrial Engineering with a specialisation in Mechanical Engineering).

    The amount of the scholarship depends on the respective needs and is determined individually for each application on the basis of a detailed cost breakdown. Applications can be made for lump sums for living expenses as well as for the assumption of tuition fees, costs for administrative expenses (visa fees, etc.) and travel expenses.

    Following a pre-selection on the basis of the written applications, candidates will be invited for personal interviews. After their return, the recipients of funding report on their stay abroad in a public lecture. Interested parties are cordially invited to attend these lectures.

    Please follow the instructions given in the information slides for your application.

    Application documents should include:

    • Application form
    • CV
    • Personal letter of motivation for studying abroad
    • Abitur certificate, intermediate diploma/bachelor certificate, current grade sheet
    • Statement of costs
    • Letter of reference from a supervising professor

    Application deadline:

    For summer semesters, the preceding 31st January, for winter semesters the preceding 30th June. Applications must be submitted to:

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Karen Suarez, M. A.
    An der Universität 1
    30823 Garbsen


    You can find out more on the website of the DR. JÜRGEN UND IRMGARD ULDERUP STIFTUNG.

  • Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung

    In addition to the Deutschlandstipendium, the Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung also awards scholarships to international students. It is not important in which direction the exchange takes place. For German students to other countries or for foreign students in Germany.

    You can find out more on the website of the Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung.

  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (for refugees and non-Germans)

    The "Basic Funding for Foreigners" of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) supports applicants of non-German origin who are already studying or doing a doctorate at a state or state-recognised university or university of applied sciences in Germany. Applications are open to students and doctoral candidates of non-German origin who have not been in the Federal Republic of Germany for more than 15 months at the time of application.

    However, this deadline does not apply to applicants who came to the Federal Republic of Germany in the course of their studies, doctorate or other scientific work or its preparation (e.g. language course, preparatory college) and who have already been in Germany for some time for this reason.

    Above-average school and study-related achievements and first graded certificates of achievement are expected. A commitment to the values of social democracy is a further prerequisite.

    Very good German language skills must be proven, even if the course of study is completed in English. Up to 40 people from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe are accepted into the support programme each year.


    An online application can be submitted at any time, but please note that certain semester numbers have not yet been exceeded. In the case of six-semester Bachelor's programmes, applications are possible up to three semesters before graduation according to the standard period of study. For Diplom/Magister/Staatsexamen courses of study, you can apply until the end of the sixth semester. For Master's degree programmes (four semesters), applications must be submitted by the end of the first semester.

    The deadlines are 31st May (summer semester) and 30th November (winter semester).

    How high is the funding?

    Persons of non-German origin receive 650 euros per month (BA, state examination, diploma) or 750 euros (master's degree) and the costs for health insurance. In addition, a family allowance of 276 euros is granted for persons with children. The scholarship does not have to be paid back.

    You can find out more on the FES website.

  • GIZ/Heinz Nixdorf Programm

    The Heinz Nixdorf Programm for the promotion of Asia-Pacific experience enables young German junior executives to undertake four-month internships in Asian countries, preparing them for future sales markets and contributing to their global thinking and worldwide mobility.

    Target group
    Young German professionals and graduates of commercial and technical departments - if necessary, capable students shortly before graduation. Applicants with a professional focus on information and communication technologies are welcome. 

    PR China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam

    Conditions of Participation

    • Age limit: 30 years at the time of departure
    • At least 6 months of relevant practical experience
    • Good English language skills (TOEFL or Cambridge certificate)

    In addition to the formal and professional qualifications, we expect interested parties to have pronounced social skills for integration and tolerance, as well as a high degree of independence and initiative.

    You can find out more on the GIZ website.

  • Kurt-Alten-Foundation

    With its technology award, the Kurt Alten Foundation supports young scientists during research stays with a sum of up to 10,000 euros. The exact amount of funding depends on the expected costs.

    Students and doctoral candidates in the natural sciences and engineering who have achieved outstanding results can apply for the Technology Award. The funding is independent of the aim of the research stay, which the applicants can determine themselves.


    The following requirements must be met to apply for the Kurt Alten Foundation Technology Award:

    • The study programme must be in an engineering or natural science subject area.
    • Applicants should be under 30 years of age.
    • Above-average academic performance is expected.
    • An interest in production technology topics is an advantage.

    In addition, commitment and diverse interests are appreciated, which can be demonstrated, for example, through voluntary work or special extracurricular activities.

    You can find more information on the IFW website.

  • Scholarships for international students (DAAD)

    International students have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship at various institutions, such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

    The DAAD is the world's largest funding organisation for international student exchange. The DAAD scholarships are primarily aimed at Master's students, as the DAAD believes that they will benefit most from the funding. Students in Bachelor's degree programmes only receive a scholarship if they are the best graduates at German schools abroad.

    Both for German students who want to go abroad and for foreign students, the DAAD offers various funding opportunities, which are collected in a database on the DAAD homepage:

    You can find out more on the DAAD website.

  • Niedersachsenstipendium

    The Niedersachsenstipendium is awarded by Leibniz University Hannover. This scholarship is only awarded to students in consecutive Master's programmes who are in the standard period of study. A one-off payment of 500 euros is made.

    Students with special achievements, proven by an official and current grade sheet of the Academic Examination Office, gifted students from so-called "educationally disadvantaged classes" (no parent has a higher degree than the Hauptschulabschluss) and students of the first generation (those who are the first in a family to begin studying) can be considered. However, both these figures are voluntary.

    Social reasons, e.g. a strained financial situation in a family with many children or outstanding voluntary work, can also be taken into account, but must be proven. There is also no legal entitlement to this scholarship.

    The award is made by the same selection committee as for the Deutschland-Stipendium.

    You can find out more on the website of Leibniz University.

  • Professor Dr. Heinz Rögener Stiftung

    The aim of the foundation in honour of Prof. Dr. Heinz Rögener is to enable disadvantaged, talented students to study mechanical engineering. Members of the board are Prof. Jörg Seume from the Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics, Prof. Friedrich Dinkelacker from the Institute of Technical Combustion and Dr. Ulrich von Jeinsen from the lawyers Göhmann, Wrede, Haas, Kappus & Hartmann.

    Heinz Rögener was professor at the Chair of Thermodynamics at the University of Hanover and director of the Institute of Thermodynamics from 1967 to 1978. His most important contribution to energy technology research was the investigation of heat and mass transfer during evaporative cooling and the resulting conclusions for the design of wet cooling towers, for the propagation of cooling tower plumes and for the execution and evaluation of acceptance tests on cooling towers. 

    Heinz Rögener died in 1998, his wife Ingeborg Rögener chose her estate in memory of her husband to establish the "Prof. Dr. Heinz Rögener Stiftung".

    Proposals for suitable scholarship holders are requested via the university lecturers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to the board of directors, Prof. Dinkelacker, ITV.

    Please send applications to:

    Leibniz Universität Hannover
    Fakultät für Maschinenbau
    Institut für Technische Verbrennung
    Herrn Prof. Dinkelacker
    Welfengarten 1 A
    30167 Hannover

  • Scholarships for students receiving social benefits

    The Studentenwerk Hannover offers prospective students from families who receive certain social benefits the one-time payment of the semester fee. This is intended to enable members from parents who are not members of a university or prospective students with a migration background to take up a course of study. Social benefits include unemployment benefit II, social assistance, basic income support, the child allowance according to § 6 a BKGG or benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

    Award criteria

    In order to receive the one-off scholarship, applicants must fulfil further criteria in addition to social benefits. The scholarship is awarded to prospective students who

    • have not yet reached the age of 30,
    • aspire to a first-time enrolment at a university,
    • do not receive a grant or scholarship from any other source for the intended use.


    Prospective students can apply for a scholarship from the Studentenwerk Hannover immediately before enrolment. An application after enrolment or after payment of the semester fee is not possible.

    The scholarship can be applied for at the Social Counselling Centre of the Studentenwerk Hannover using the appropriate form. The application form must be enclosed:

    • A copy of the notification of admission with a request for payment of the semester fee (for subjects without admission: copy of the online application and copy of the request for payment of the semester fee/additional copy of the language certificate required in the admission)
    • A copy of the proof of receipt of unemployment benefit II, social assistance, basic income support, child allowance according to § 6 a BKGG or benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

    You can find out more on the website of the Studentenwerks Hannover.

  • Stratmann Stiftung

    The Stratmann Stiftung supports and promotes pupils and students in youth and educational projects. It is particularly involved in the MINT (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology) training area. It awards study and doctorate scholarships to help students write their final thesis. These are expressly aimed at fully matriculated students as well as graduates and doctoral candidates from state or state-recognised universities.

    Who can apply and how?

    Stratmann scholarships are awarded to students of computer science and business information technology on the basis of above-average academic qualifications and personal aptitude. The application procedure is carried out exclusively online and is not subject to any specific application deadline.


    You can find out more on the website of the Stratmann-Stiftung.

  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

    The Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes is the oldest organisation for the promotion of gifted students in Germany. It supports young people with above-average scientific or artistic talent. In addition, potential scholarship holders must demonstrate a special commitment to the public good. Funding and selection are not bound by political, religious or ideological guidelines.


    Students must be younger than 35 years of age and have German citizenship or come from EU member states, study in Germany and aim for a degree. Students from non-EU countries need a German university entrance qualification and must be permanently resident in Germany.

    Funding is provided until the end of the standard period of study (including Master's), but not for second, supplementary or postgraduate studies. The eligibility of a course of study is generally based on the requirements of BAföG. If a change of subject takes place later than at the beginning of the fourth semester, funding is no longer possible.

    You can find out more on the website of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.

  • Studentenwerk Hannover

    Semester fee scholarship of the Studentenwerk

    Prospective students who want to enrol at a university for the first time and whose families or who alone receive social benefits can apply for the semester fee scholarship of the Studentenwerk.

    Social benefits can be:

    • Citizen's Income
    • Social assistance
    • Basic income support
    • Child supplement according to § 6 a BKGG
    • Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act

    The Studentenwerk Hannover will pay the first semester fee once, which must be paid for enrolment at the university.

    You can find more information and the application for the scholarship on the website of the Studentenwerk Hannover: https://www.studentenwerk-hannover.de/en/geld/stipendien

    Source: studentenwerk-hannover.de

  • LUH4Ukraine

    Scholarship Programme LUH4Ukraine

    The LUH4Ukraine scholarship programme is aimed at students and doctoral candidates who were living in Ukraine until 24.02.2022 and are now enrolled at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering or the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

    The scholarships are awarded for 12 months, an extension until the end of the funding period is possible afterwards. The monthly scholarship amount is: for Bachelor and Master students = 931 €, for doctoral students = 1,200 €.

    In addition to professional qualifications, the following criteria are decisive for receiving the scholarship: study progress and probability of successful completion during the period of support, social need, support for women in STEM subjects.

    With the LUH4Ukraine project, Leibniz Universität Hannover on the one hand promotes the academic success of Ukrainian students at LUH and on the other hand fosters cooperation with Ukrainian university partners.

    More information and the possibility to apply at:


    Source: Leibniz University Hannover

Tips for scholarship applications

The scholarships presented above represent only a small selection of the total 2500 scholarships in Germany. If you cannot find a suitable scholarship for you, it is worthwhile searching with the help of databases. We would like to point out that some of the databases presented here request very personal information. For example, you will be asked to provide information about your health, your financial situation or your religious beliefs. This is due to the fact that there are numerous "niche scholarships" that are awarded to students who meet very specific criteria.

For whom is an application worthwhile?

In principle, applying for a scholarship is worthwhile for all students. You don't have to be a genius or have above-average commitment to be eligible for a scholarship. A very good grade point average is an advantage for a successful application. However, students who have a two or three average are also eligible for a scholarship. Your overall profile is decisive and your grades are only part of it. Many foundations place particular emphasis on social commitment. Have you helped others in any way? Have you trained children in a club? Have you cared for a larger number of younger siblings? Are you a volunteer firefighter, politically involved, do you support an animal club, have you given German lessons to refugees, or were you perhaps a student representative? All activities in which you have been involved in any way for others count.

Even factors over which you have no control can qualify you for a scholarship. Are you the first person in your family to aim for a university degree? Do you have a migration background? Do you belong to a particular religion? Do you share the values of a foundation? Among the 2500 foundations in Germany, there are many that award scholarships to very specific groups of people. Every year, the Anni Eisler Lehmann Stiftung awards a scholarship to a singing student in Mainz who belongs to the Jewish faith. If no suitable student applies for the scholarship, music students of the Jewish faith studying in Mainz can also apply. In return, they must give a concert in the Mainz synagogue, for example. If you meet the criteria for such a "niche scholarship", you will have less competition and therefore better chances of a successful application.

Scholarships are only for needy geniuses?

The financial situation of your parents may play a role in your application. There are foundations that specifically want to support students who come from a financially disadvantaged family. The amount of the monthly grant from the largest foundations for the promotion of gifted students is based on the BAföG maximum rate.

Some foundations also grant a monthly book allowance of up to 300 euros. This money does not necessarily have to be spent on books and it is independent of the parents' income. In addition to the financial support, scholarship holders receive non-material support that enables them to participate in seminars, regular meetings, lectures and excursions. The application is also worthwhile for students from financially strong families.

Application procedure

In general, you will need a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a report from a teacher (school/university) as well as certificates of achievement, your school leaving certificate or an overview of your academic achievements. The application forms are usually filled out online.

Once you have passed the first hurdle, in most cases a selection procedure, a general knowledge test and an interview will follow. The preparation of an application usually takes only a few days. An application is worthwhile for all students.

Apply successfully

You have decided to apply for a scholarship, but don''t know how and where to start? On the website of the Süddeutsche Zeitung you will find helpful hints on how to write a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and on how to apply in general. Learn more...
