Study plans
Field A: Specialisation in Physics |
Field B: Specialisation in Mechanical Engineering |
Specialisation in Photonics and Laser Technology English Track |
Regulations, Forms and Important Deadlines
Course Catalogues
Job Boards
Leibniz University institutions
- Hannoversches Zentrum für Optische Technologien (HOT)
- Institut für Quantenoptik (IQO)
- Institut für Produktentwicklung und Gerätebau (IPeG)
- Institut für Transport- und Automatisierungstechnik (ITA)
- Institut für Werkzeugtechnik und Fertigungsmaschinen (IFW)
- Institut für Mikroproduktionstechnik (IMPT)
- Institut für Dynamik und Schwingungen (IDS)
- Other institutions
Notice Board Mechanical Engineering
Are you looking for an internship, a student's project or a project for your master's thesis? Then take a look at the Notice Board Mechanical Engineering.
Project offers from internal institutes of Leibniz Universität Hannover as well as external project work from industry is uploaded regularly (the page is currently only available in German).
Internship | Project work

Please contact the Internship Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for all organisational questions regarding the internship.
Project work
Please contact the Examination Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for all organisational questions concerning project work.

Office hours
Online via Webex
Tuesday 09 - 10 am
In presence: OK-Haus (1138)
Thursday 1 - 2 pm

30823 Garbsen

30823 Garbsen