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Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor of Science)

© Max Kesserer

As a mechanical engineer, you are a creative mind when it comes to technical topics. You develop innovative ideas for industry and ensure technical progress. During your studies, you will deal with the classic disciplines of mechanical engineering and tackle mechanical, production-related and thermodynamic issues. In addition to design-based tasks, you will also increasingly use IT-based solutions. You will therefore also need knowledge of electrical engineering and information technology.


Type of study programme Undergraduate (1-subject Bachelor)
Standard period of study 6 semesters
Start of study WiSe, SoSe
Language requirements German C1
Prerequisites Pre-internship (recommended)
Authorisation Licence-free
Conclusion Bachelor of Science

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Module plans and catalogues

Module plan start: summer semester
Module catalogues, tutorials and labs

Qualification goals

  • Tasks and requirements in mechanical engineering are ...

    Mechanical engineering encompasses the development, design, construction and implementation of technical products, processes and systems that function reliably and comprehensibly in a specific way. The specialist requirements consist of analysing and synthesising individual scientific and technical-functional aspects and their functional interaction. In addition to the optimisation of established technologies, innovative and interdisciplinary solutions must also be developed for complex problems.

  • The main qualification objectives of the Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering are ...
    • a sound understanding of mechanical engineering fundamentals, their scientific basis and their mathematical modelling (technical mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, design, manufacturing processes, measurement technology, control technology and so on)
    • a general and theory-based understanding of technology as a purpose-orientated configuration of a functional system and its description using scientific methods - including interdisciplinary methods
    • the understanding and application of engineering methods in the planning, design, layout, production, commissioning, testing and evaluation of mechanical engineering products and processes
    • the application of standards of scientific work to structured issues of medium complexity
  • Graduates are able to ...
    • explain basic technical relationships and principles and apply these to mechanical engineering issues in order to develop solutions to problems of medium complexity
    • precisely describe the (inter)action of components in machines, machine systems and technical processes using theoretical models
    • work on common design tasks: modelling functions, selecting materials, designing machines and processes, dimensioning parts and components, producing technical drawings, taking into account manufacturing constraints
    • carry out tests and measurements for the purpose of testing and inspection
    • work independently on technical projects and organise work processes in teams in a technically and communicatively goal-oriented manner
    • independently explore disciplinary subject areas and make informed connections to areas of application
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Student counselling
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Student counselling
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen