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Sustainable Engineering, B. Sc.

© Max Kesberger

Become tomorrow's engineer today

No building, no start-up, no process, few hobbies and just as few thoughts can do without technology. How much potential is there to achieve climate and sustainability goals, develop green innovations and prevent greenwashing? Huge - we think. And that's why we are training the engineers of tomorrow. Sustainable Engineering is the interdisciplinary degree programme that interweaves the foundations of engineering sciences with the fundamentals of sustainability sciences and thus represents a contemporary and socially relevant study programme.

Elements of critical philosophy of technology, climate science, sustainability economics, sustainable production and recycling technology are integrated into the programme.

Why study Sustainable Engineering?

Let’s act together, now!

Become part of a new generation of engineers and complete your first professional qualification with us, which will not only open up responsible areas of activity and professional fields for you, but will also make you part of a large movement to combat climate change, resource waste and outdated production and economic methods.

In your interdisciplinary education, you will follow a curriculum that includes basic sustainability science disciplines and methods, but also a variety of engineering modules that ultimately lead to a recognised engineering degree. After successfully completing the Bachelor of Sustainable Engineering, you can officially call yourself an engineer.

© Max Kesberger

Module plans and module catalogue

Module plan: Start of study winter semester

Module plan: Start of study summer semester

Curriculum for SoSe admission

What students say about the programme

Ole Bodenstein:
With the Sustainable Engineering Science degree programme, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is taking a big step towards the future. This degree programme combines innovation and responsibility. [...] When designing the curriculum, many different disciplines, not only engineering but also the humanities, were consulted in order to create an interdisciplinary degree programme.

One that covers everything from gear design to engineering mechanics and ethics of engineering to an introduction to environmental law. Last but not least, we students were also involved in the final fine-tuning to guarantee a coherent, exciting programme.

Dörthe Behrens:
For me, this degree programme means a new focus on current problems and challenges in mechanical engineering. Sustainability and environmental protection should take centre stage in our thoughts and actions and as such should be given a greater role in teaching. The Sustainable Engineering Science degree programme enables young people to acquire knowledge and methods for preserving this planet right from the start and to apply these in laboratories and projects.

Jan Feldkamp:
The new Sustainable Engineering degree programme is just the thing for anyone who lacks vision, ethical considerations or a clear mission statement in traditional mechanical engineering. May the University of Hannover continue on its path to becoming a forward-looking university.


M. Sc. Lisa Lotte Schneider
Programme Coordination Head of the Office of the Dean of Studies
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Lisa Lotte Schneider
Programme Coordination Head of the Office of the Dean of Studies
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen