Leibniz Universität Hannover Main Leibniz University Website
Construction and Development
Energy and Process Engineering
Production Engineering and Logistics

General information

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Application deadlines

Germany and EU countries

Applications for the Master's programme for the winter semester must be submitted by 15 July and for the summer semester by 15 January. The application is made online.

Non-EU countries

An application for the Master's programme for the winter semester must be submitted by 31 May and for the summer semester by 30 November.

A VPD (preliminary examination documentation) from uni-assist is required for the application. You then apply to the LUH. Further information on all steps can be found here.

Admission requirement for the Master's programme

The admission requirement for the Master's degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is a Bachelor's degree in the corresponding programme or a degree in a comparable programme from a recognised university. All other requirements for admission to the Master's degree programme can be found in the admission regulations:

Admission regulations
"Sustainable engineering" "Energy Technology", "Electrical Engineering & Information Technology", "Mechanical Engineering", "Mechatronics & Robotics", "Production & Logistics", "Biomedical Engineering", "Optical Technologies"

Admission and authorisation regulations

Teaching language

All courses are held in German. If you come from abroad, you must provide proof of German language skills at the C1 level when enrolling in our degree programmes.

Proof of completed participation in a C1 language course must be provided at the time of application. Alternatively, registration for a recognised language test can be submitted with the application before the start of the semester.

Exceptions are the degree programmes Optical Technologies and International Mechatronics, where the required level is C1 English.

For more information see :

20-week internship

For admission to the Master's thesis, proof of an internship of 20 weeks must be provided. The internship can already be completed before the Master's programme. However, it must take place outside the university.


Master's admission
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Master's admission
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen