Leibniz Universität Hannover Main Leibniz University Website
Construction and Development
Energy and Process Engineering
Production Engineering and Logistics


© Max Kesberger

At the StudiStart! events, you will receive important information about your current study phase. The main topics are: Semester planning, degree programme organisation, upcoming events, prospects and tips and tricks. We wish you a successful start and progression of your studies!

Attention, different StudiStart! events!

There are different StudiStart! events for Bachelor's and Master's students! Please check this page shortly before the event you would like to attend to make sure that the date has not changed.






StudiStart! for the 1st semester Bachelor of Sustainable Engineering

11:00 - 12:30

031 (8130)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the 1st Bachelor semester Mechanical Engineering

13:15 - 14:45

031 (8130)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master Optical Technologies

08:30 - 10:00

102 (1138)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master Mechatronics and Robotics

10:15 - 11:45

F128 (1101)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master  Mechanical Engineering

14:00 - 15:30

101/103 (8132)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master  Sustainable Engineering

14:30 - 15:45

029 (8142)

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master Production and Logistics

15:45 - 17:15

023/025 (8110

Monday, 07.04.2025

StudiStart! for the Master Biomedical Engineering

12:30 - 13:45

002 (8132)

Wednesday, 09.04.2025

StudiStart! for the 3rd and higher semester Bachelor Sustainable Engineering  

13:15 - 14:15

F128 (1101)

Tuesday, 08.04.2025

StudiStart! for the 2nd semester Bachelor Mechanical Engineering

14:30 - 16:00

B305 (1101)

Tuesday, 08.04.2025

StudiStart! for 3rd and higher semester Bachelor Mechanical Engineering

10:15 - 11:30

F303 (1101)

Wednesday, 09.04.2025

StudiStart! for the 2nd semester Bachelor Sustainable Engineering

11:30 - 13:00

F142 (1101)

Wednesday, 09.04.2025

Validation station for the Leibniz Card

You can validate your Leibniz Card on the Mechanical Engineering campus. The validation station is located at the back of the Campus Mensa to the left of the Mensa Card validator. We wish you a good start to the lecture period!


An der Universität 1, 30823 Garbsen
An der Universität 1, 30823 Garbsen