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Construction and Development
Energy and Process Engineering
Production Engineering and Logistics

Study contents

© Teemu Leinonen und Toni Jaatinen (LUT)

You can expect compulsory and elective modules in the Sustainable Engineering double degree programme. These are supplemented by the ‘Studium Generale’ programme and the opportunity to take other freely selectable courses. At the end of your degree programme, you will write a Master's thesis at the partner university, which will ideally be jointly supervised by LUH and LUT.

Students of the LUH

In your first year of study, you will complete your degree programme as part of the Master's in Sustainable Engineering at Leibniz Universität Hannover. After transferring to LUT, you will take compulsory modules in combination with specialised elective modules in the third semester, which are divided into the following four paths:

Welding Technology and Additive Manufacturing Composite and Hybrid Materials
Robotics and Mechatronics Sustainable Manufacturing Processes

In the pathway of your choice, you take two courses according to your individual interests, which are supplemented by two elective courses. You can choose these freely from the courses offered by LUT. To complete the module, LUT recommends attending the Energy Efficient Environment I and II courses. You also have the opportunity to set an individual specialisation.

Paths and courses at the LUT

Students of LUT

In the first year of the programme, you will complete the Master's in Mechanical Engineering curriculum at Lappeenranta University of Technology. After the second semester, you will transfer to Leibniz Universität Hannover, where you can choose elective courses from five different modules. The following modules are available to you:

Sustainable production Mechatronics and robotics
Digital engineering Composite and hybrid materials
Welding technology and laser processes

Elective courses totalling 30 ECTS must be successfully completed.

Studium Generale

he Studium Generale programme allows you to immerse yourself in other academic disciplines beyond your subject area.

You can choose courses from the entire range offered by Leibniz University, the ZQS/Key competences or the Leibniz Language Centre.

© Pham Ngoc Anh auf Pexels

Master thesis

If you transferred from Leibniz University Hannover to Lappeenranta University of Technology in the third semester, you will remain there in the fourth semester to write your Master's thesis. If possible, this will be supervised in co-operation between the two universities. For students from LUT who come to Hannover, the same applies in reverse: they stay in Hannover and also write their Master's thesis here in the fourth semester. After successfully completing your degree programme, you will receive both Master of Science degrees: Sustainable Engineering (LUH) and Mechanical Engineering (LUT).